President Joe Biden sought to assure Israel that he would not tolerate a nuclear Iran as he met with outgoing Israeli President Reuven Rivlin on Monday amid a major shakeup in Israeli politics and growing angst in Tel Aviv over the U.S. administration’s effort to reenter the Iran nuclear deal. Biden noted that he had ordered airstrikes a day earlier targeting facilities the U.S. military says were used by Iran-backed militia groups near the border between Iraq and Syria. The rhetoric seemed to underscore that he would remain tough on malign Iran activity even as he seeks a diplomatic track to stem Tehran’s nuclear program. “What I can say to you is that Iran will never get a nuclear weapon on my watch,” Biden said at the White House meeting.

Over the last few days, additional members of the Home Front Command have joined the IDF and Israeli Foreign Ministry delegation in Miami. Joining the delegation were rescuers, engineers and population behavior officers, who are in Miami to reinforce and assist the delegation members who arrived last week. To assist the effort, the operational analysis team of the Intelligence Directorate’s “Unit 9900”, which specializes in visual intelligence, built a three-dimensional (3-D) model that maps the collapsed building in order to streamline the process of locating the missing persons at the site of the disaster. The initial delegation arrived at the destruction site in the first 72 hours after the building collapsed. As of today, the Israeli delegation has 15 members at the site.

When the staff and campers at Chai Lifeline’s “Camp Simcha Without Borders” program in Miami heard about the tragedy in nearby Surfside, they realized that they wanted to do something to help in some way.  The camp for children battling serious illnesses like cancer and other highly debilitating conditions arranged for an activity of graffiti and mural painting to create a tribute mural in solidarity with the community affected by the building collapse. “Chai Lifeline kids know a thing or two about adversity and overcoming trauma and crisis as they’ve encountered personal challenges like medical diagnoses and the loss of loved ones and overcome traumas like chemotherapy,” explained Matthew Weisbaum, Southeast Regional Director for Chai Lifeline.

The Commander of the Israeli National Rescue Unit said search and rescue personnel found more bodies overnight in the Champlain Towers South collapse in Surfside, Florida. “At the last 12 hours we found some more people,” Colonel Golan Vach, Commander of the Israeli National Rescue Unit, told CNN’s John Berman on “New Day” Wednesday. “We found people. Unfortunately, they are not alive.” Vach said first-responders discovered new tunnels in the rubble Tuesday night, which allowed for the discovery of more bodies. Vach said search and rescue teams were working in the space between the collapsed balconies.

THE UNIQUE SHAS YIDEN SYSTEM SHOWS RESULTS 160 DAYS MORE LEARNING per year than the average kollel! Learning 7 DAYS/WEEK incl. erev Shabbos & Shabbos, erev Yom Tov & Yom Tov Each avreich completes a A MINIMUM OF 13,555 DAF a year 40 DAF A DAY + RASHI + TOSFOS = 8 daf + 4 chazoras on each Detailed MONTHLY TESTS & farhers on 225 DAF HALF-YEAR TEST & farher on 1350 DAF ANNUAL SHAS TEST & farher on 2711 DAF PUBLIC FARHERS by Gedolei Hatorah (2-3 times a year)
The post WATCH: Shas Yiden Farher 2021 – Harav Bezalel Rudinsky appeared first on The Yeshiva World.

THE UNIQUE SHAS YIDEN SYSTEM SHOWS RESULTS 160 DAYS MORE LEARNING per year than the average kollel! Learning 7 DAYS/WEEK incl. erev Shabbos & Shabbos, erev Yom Tov & Yom Tov Each avreich completes a A MINIMUM OF 13,555 DAF a year 40 DAF A DAY + RASHI + TOSFOS = 8 daf + 4 chazoras on each Detailed MONTHLY TESTS & farhers on 225 DAF HALF-YEAR TEST & farher on 1350 DAF ANNUAL SHAS TEST & farher on 2711 DAF PUBLIC FARHERS by Gedolei Hatorah (2-3 times a year)
The post WATCH: Shas Yiden Farher 2021 -Harav Yosef Yitzchak appeared first on The Yeshiva World.

The commander of the Israeli National Rescue Unit said Tuesday the collapsed bedrooms from the Champlain Towers South building are under 13 to 16 feet of concrete. “This building collapsed very, very badly, if I can use this word, because it collapsed into itself. And the bedrooms that we are looking for, because the people [slept] in the bedrooms are under four or five meters of concrete,” Col. Golan Vach, commander of the Israeli National Rescue Unit, told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer Tuesday. Vach said his team is comprised of 15 people who are mostly engineers and search and rescue experts. He said his team found new spaces in the rubble to search Monday and Tuesday. “So there is still hope,” Vach said. “Until one week, I have a solid hope that we will find someone.

The IDF Search Team Commander Golan Vacham spoke on Monday at a private family briefing in Surfside. The 10-member team’s from Israel began their first full day of work Monday. The Israeli team showed the relatives a graphic they created dissecting the partial collapse: the building over the garage went first, followed by a section behind it, then an adjacent tower fell a few seconds later. For relatives who have resigned themselves that their loved ones have perished, the Israeli commander said his team has the “methodology” to isolate every crumbled apartment unit at the Champlain and search inside it. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Thanks to volunteers of the highly-trained Chaverim Of Rockland Search & Rescue Team, a couple who was in distress in the forest was located and safely taken out of the woods. Sources tell YWN that the couple contacted Chaverim at around 2:00PM stating that they ran out of water and food, and had no energy to continue their hike. They were on a trail around 30 minutes from Monsey. A search team was deployed to the forest, and were brought out to safety around 6:30PM. They had started their hike at around 11:00AM, and were dehydrated when they were found. The Tri-State area is currently suffering from a heat wave with severe humidity. Those thinking of going hiking should think twice, and if they do, should bring along an ample water supply to last a full day.

R’ Yitzchak Sofer, a resident of Miami, who is currently in Eretz Yisrael, visited the home of HaGaon HaRav Gershon Edelstein on Monday to receive a bracha. Sofer, who lives near the site of the disaster told the Rosh Yeshivah about the terrible disaster that occurred and that many Jews were in the building when it collapsed. Five days later, only two of the Jews have been found. HaRav Edelstein was pained to hear the news and gave a bracha for “besuros tovos.” IDF Col. (Res.) Golan Vach said on Sunday that there is still hope of finding survivors in the rubble. Israeli Diaspora Affairs Minister Nachman Shai, who told Israeli radio on Monday morning that there is “zero hope of finding survivors,” has apparently changed his mind.
