Demonstrators say Har Hamor, headed by Rabbi Zvi Tau, 'symbolizes the messianic stream that is leading the regime coup'; one protester arrested in attempt to disrupt traffic

'Rabbi Tau raped me! And my mother and my sister,' 'You killed my soul' found at Jerusalem residence of far-right Noam party's spiritual leader; police investigating

Four months after investigation opened, prominent hardline rabbi called in for interrogation by Lahav 433 unit

Rabbi Chaim Druckman appears to dismiss accusations against head of influential Jerusalem yeshiva, while suggesting he should be 'hanged' if proven true

Assault claim, dating back 40 years, falls outside statute of limitations, but prosecutors reportedly still seeking statement to shed light on allegations from first accuser

Identified only as 'Dorit,' latest alleged victim describes being assaulted by the rabbi 40 years ago, when she was a new immigrant and 'all alone' in Israel

'He used his power and image to carry out the abuse,' Nehama Te’ena says in television interview several months after first publicly accusing Zvi Tau of abuse

Rabbis Yuval Cherlow and David Stav of Tzohar say police must investigate claims against ultra-conservative religious leader