Kvitlach Being Removed From The Kosel Ahead Of Pesach(PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE)
Knesset elections are behind us and it is time to focus on Pesach. At the Kosel, the team was out on Wednesday morning to remove the kvitlach ahead of yomtov as well as to inspect the integrity of the stones, to prevent any from falling.

Harvard Law professor emeritus weighs in on Attorney General Bill Barr’s Capitol Hill testimony.

Will Thailand Top Nepal As Site Of World’s Biggest Passover Seder?Nepal’s world-famous Passover Seder, held annually high in the Himalayas in the capital city of Kathmandu, reaching a peak of some 2,000 guests last year on its 30th anniversary, stands as a perpetual icon of Chabad-Lubavitch’s “no mountain too tall to climb” approach to Jewish education and outreach.

As military due to deliver 'important statement' after days of mass protests, reports indicate coup underway to oust ruler after 30 years

Charedi Family Rescued By Police While HikingBorder Police officers rescued a Charedi family of five, who got stuck while hiking near Nachal Sorek. The police received an emergency call for help from the family who was stuck on the hike.
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Union of Right-Wing Parties joins demand as Central Elections Committee releases final results but says it is reviewing the vote-count process

Bennet’s New Right Party Doesn’t Make it into the 21st KnessetThe counting of the IDF votes is complete and it was announced that the New Right party headed by Naftali Bennet and Ayelet Shaked remains outside of the 21st Knesset, falling short of the required 3.25% of the vote, the minimum a party must received to be in Knesset.

Most Fed Officials See Rates Staying On Hold For All Of 2019A majority of Federal Reserve officials last month believed that economic conditions would likely warrant keeping the Fed’s benchmark policy unchanged for the rest of this year.
Several officials said their view could shift in either direction based on incoming data, according to minutes of the meeting released Wednesday.

Cairo reportedly skeptical about seriousness of White House-led Middle East Security Alliance initiative

5 of the suspects reportedly worked at Petah Tikva storage site; police say they sold the sweet stuff for millions

 HimPresident Donald Trump says there’s only one person in charge of his immigration policy: Him.
Asked by reporters Wednesday whether he had considered tapping his influential aide, Stephen Miller, to lead the Department of Homeland Security given Miller’s focus on the issue, Trump was ready with praise — but not a promotion.

If Beresheet successfully lands on Thursday night, Israel will become just the 4th country to land a spacecraft on the moon

The people chose a strong, right wing leader, because they know only the right will move the economy forward and keep their children safe

Fox Host Questions Whether Omar Is “An American First.’Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar said Wednesday that Fox News Channel host Brian Kilmeade is guilty of a “dangerous incitement” for questioning her loyalty to the United States, since she’s been the subject of death threats in the past.
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The first-ever national study of Jewish grandparents—commissioned by the Jewish Grandparents Network (JGN), in partnership with 17 national organizations and Jewish Federations—provides detailed information about the demographics, attitudes, beliefs, behaviors and needs of this crucial family sector.
Nearly 8,000 individuals (approximately 1,000 of them from a nationally representative sample) participated in the study.

The two White House power players have conflicting visions, yet both have been tasked to develop detailed plans, creating confusion in Trump administration

The New Right party, headed by Naftali Bennett and Ayelet Shaked, appears to have passed the 3.25% electoral threshold, achieving 3.26%, and will be in the 21st Knesset thanks to the votes of the soldiers, Arutz Sheva reports.
In addition, it appears that Moshe Feiglin’s Zehut party will not pass the threshold. As of the last update, it received 2.76 percent. Read more at Arutz Sheva.
{Matzav.com Israel}

A secular, US-educated millionaire with a propensity for cognac and cigars, Netanyahu paints himself the champion of Israel's downtrodden Jewish peripheries

CTech – With the Israeli general elections here, the use of archaic paper ballots in our electoral process seems, on its face, to be anathema to the ethos of the Startup Nation. Their continued use requires that we trust election officials to be honest and procedurally accurate and secure. And, it remains very difficult to determine ballot tampering and other security breaches. So why not use digital technology?

Company's owners to pay $117.5 million in latest settlement over immense data loss to hackers in 2013-14
