Yeshiva Ohr Naftoli New Windsor held its Inaugural Alumni Event on March 22nd, an incredible celebration of the special kesher that continues beyond the years spent at the yeshiva. Hanhala, rebbeim and alumni alike enjoyed spending this special time together, reminiscing about the wonderful shared experiences at Ohr Naftoli New Windsor.

The event was held at Eagle Ridge Golf Club in Lakewood, with opening remarks from the menahel, Rabbi Ahron Yosef Pitter, providing a warm and welcoming start to the evening, followed by divrei bracha from Rabbi Boruch N. Werner, the yeshiva’s 11th grade rebbe. The Rosh Hayeshiva, Rabbi Moshe Silberberg, gave a rousing and heartfelt address, followed by Rabbi Dov Shechter, Alumni Association Chairman and Rabbi Pinchos Braunstein, Alumni Representative. The evening’s program concluded with warm words of chizzuk by Mr. Yisroel Orzel, Board of Directors President. The event left an indelible mark on all those who attended and is sure to be the start of many more wonderful shared alumni events to come.