An urgent letter to you from two of the leading rabbis of our generation:
“We know of the many tzedakah activities and of the trustworthiness of Vaad HaRabbanim, in whose merit thousands of families across Israel are saved from their horrible situations.
Now, the cries of the families of desperately ill people who suffer from terrible illnesses have come before us, among them are those who stand at death’s door, and the matter is one of Pikuach Nefesh for them and their families who have no money even for bread as a result of enormous medical expenses.
Therefore, we have come together to found a special fund in Vaad HaRabbanim to heal, to support and to revive them.
All those who donate to this fund will merit to see great salvation with whatever they need, and they and their family will be saved measure for measure from all illnesses midah kineged midah and they will merit to make simchos in their homes and to see nachas from all their descendants with health and parnassah.
Rav Chaim Kanievsky shlita
The Vizhnitzer Rebbe shlita”
Rav Mordechai Gross has made a pledge as well: To learn the entire sefer Tomer Devorah, which is a well-known zechus for protection from cancer, and to personally daven at the siyum for every single person who donates to this campaign. Rav Gross is a posek in Eretz Yisroel who is legendary for his Brachos coming true. Countless stories have been told about the unusual power of his tefillah and the breakthroughs that people have witnessed after him praying for them. This opportunity is not to be taken lightly.
The Gedolei Hador are calling on Klal Yisroel to come to the aid of the desperately ill and their families here. In that merit they will have health and special protection for them and their families from sickness, merit to make simchas, and see nachas from their descendants with health and parnassah.