“U’teshuvah, u’tefillah, u’tzedakah, ma’avirin es roah’ hagezerah.”
Right now, all of Klal Yisroel is hovering in the precious few days between Rosh Hashona and Yom Kippur, the moments when the entire upcoming year is to be decided. Individually and collectively, there has been so much pain this past year…
We are awaiting our fate with bated breaths. There is tension in the air.
During these critical days, two of our most inspiring leaders Rav Shlomo Yedidya Zaafrani shlita and R’ Mordechai Gross Shlit’’a have made an incredible offer for you: All those who donate $260 or more to help 714 seriously ill Yidden living in Eretz Yisroel will receive a Shtar Chaim with a beautiful brocha from them inscribed upon it:
All those who are partners in this fund should merit measure for measure to be protected from any illness or sorrow in ruchniyus and gashmiyus, for them and the members of their family…and they should not require doctors or treatments…They should merit to be written in the Book of Life for a good decree and be declared innocent in judgement. 
This week is a time of self-development for Jews around the world. Those who donate can rest assured that they have made a positive difference in the world, and will Beezras Hashem be zoche to see the powerful brocha of the Hador unfold this very year. Click here to chap arein!