To some, Dovid Shlezinger may seem like your average middle-aged Jewish father. Those who know him, however, know he’s done the impossible: Raised 9 kids on his own. Recently, however, Reb Shlezinger has come face to face with a new challenge:
“I tragically lost my wife Yocheved after a long and painful battle with liver cancer. She left behind 9 beautiful children who Ive had the zechus to raise,” begins the emotional story.
“Doing it on my own, however, has never been easy. I have done everything I can to try to take care of my family but there have been times where we have barely scraped by. How can one man support 9 neshamos alone? Hashem has made many nissim for us.
M”y dear daughter Raizy is now, Baruch Hashem, engaged. You have to know Raizy to understand how special this very bright, sweet young woman is. And now that she is a kallah I have no way to help her. How can she make a wedding on a babysitter’s salary? But she has no parents to provide for her. My heart is a father’s heart and it breaks for her.
Klal yisroel hachnasas kallah is such a heilige mitzvah. Helping a yasom is too. Please open your heart and help Raizy, that she should go to her chuppah with dignity, that she should have a hall and food and sheva brachos and all the things that kallahs with two parents usually have.
And Hashem should bless you to always have your prayers answered. Thank you, Dovid.”
Many have been moved by the emotional way in which this father describes his beloved daughter, and have chipped in to help. Donations are being collected here for a limited time.
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