It’s a hot sweltering summer day on the bus in Jerusalem, and everyone is staring. That’s because Asher, a teenage boy with severe autism is having a meltdown. He cries and yells, swinging at strangers who try to assist. But it’s the most gentle and unexpected member of the bus who is finally able to calm him down: The boy’s mother.
Yetty Dukan is a loving and patient mother of 6 kids, used to the challenges of having two severely autistic sons. With deep breaths and a hand on his back, she calms Asher down, and the crisis has passed. She drops him off at school, and heads on another bus to her job, working with other special needs kids.
Though she is inspirational to many, Yetty’s is far from a “success story.” Her husband is ill, and she is struggling to raise her children with only one minimum wage income. In a tear-filled video, she admits that she needs help.
Donations are being urgently collected to help this amazing mother continue to do what many couldn’t. Contributions go toward paying their basic bills, and covering medical treatments.
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