Below is the letter from Agudas Kedushas Tzion B’Shem Gedolai Eretz Yisroel
Original Hebrew PDF here and English here
עת צרה היא ליעקב וממנה יוושע
“A difficult time for Yaakov, and he will be redeemed from it.” (Yirmiyahu 30:7)
Who will not shed tears when hearing such terrible news from afar – of the passing of many good and righteous of the Diaspora Jews? We all Daven to Hashem that He removes His wrath from the remnants of his people, and that He will speedily grant us a lasting Yeshua.
But how can we remain silent, when we see how Hashem specifically watches over the dwellers of the Eretz Yisroel – the Land which Hashem’s “Eyes” are watching from the year’s beginning to its’ end (Devarim 11:12) – and in contrast, the Diaspora has seen the fulfillment of the curse “and I will utterly conceal My ‘Face’” (Devarim 31:18), with the death of good and righteous people?
As we have heard from the Rosh Yeshivah, Rav Gershon Edelshtein, shlita, surely the zechus of the Holy Land protects its inhabitants, and therefore its sick and deceased are few.
 We are therefore calling upon all our brethren, inhabitants of the Diaspora: Come up to the Holy Land, to Eretz Yisroel, the Land of HaKodosh Boruch Hu, to the Land of Hashem’s Providence.
Now, that we clearly see that Hashem watches over His people in His Land, giving them a bright future, and it is precisely those who dwell in the Diaspora who are in difficulty and desperation – come and join us for your salvation. Accept upon yourselves to leave behind the tum’ah of chutz laAretz, and to take upon yourselves the kedushah of Eretz Yisroel. Teach your children that the place of a Jew is in the Land of the Jews, and don’t be left behind among the goyim, lest you be caught with all their sins.
May we have a speedy salvation in the zechus of our Holy Land, may Hashem say “enough” to our troubles, and may there not be heard any strife or calamity within our borders. May Hashem console us and wipe the tears from every face, and may we see Him when He returns to His home, as is written (Yeshayahu 53:8).
Agudas Kedushas Tzion
Association of Chareidim Endeavoring for Tzion Al Taharas HaKodesh