One of Israel’s most outspoken and famous anti-tziyoni activists, Yoilish Krauss, put together his own angle on the song “Yevonim,” singing it along with his family after lighting the Chanukah neiros in his Meah Shearim home. The Krauss’s often take part in the hafganos emblematic of their community and are unapologetic in their defense of Torah and virulent hatred of the Zionist government. The lyrics to the song are: אוי ציונים נקבצו עליי אזיי בימי סאטמר, ופרצו חומות החינוך וטימאו כל התלמודי תורה, ומנותר הקנאים נעשה נס לשושנים, ימי שבת ימי יום טוב קבעו מחאות והפגנות (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
The post EPIC: Yoilish Krauss Invents Anti-Tziyoni Version of “Yevonim” [SEE THE VIDEO] appeared first on The Yeshiva World.
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