Two young men broke into a cell phone store on Monday on Rechov Bar Ilan in Jerusalem, vandalizing it and stealing valuable cell phones. They caused extensive damage to the store by spraying “skunk spray” on merchandise, the computer, and the customer service desk. The man who sprayed the skunk spray was wearing quasi-Chassidish garb. Unusually and unlike previous incidents, the other man, who did not appear to be Chareidi, stole valuable cell phones. “They operate in a very orderly manner,” the owner of a chain of cell phone stores in Jerusalem told B’Chadrei Chareidim. “They [extremists] go from area to area and harass the store owners and try to make them submit to their demands. It started in Geula, moved to Yechezkel, and now they’re focusing on the Bar Ilan Street area, mainly against a certain chain of stores.” The owner of the store on Bar Ilan said that a forensic investigator came to the store but wouldn’t enter it due to the stench of the skunk spray. “There’s still a stench that will probably remain for weeks even though we re-painted the entire store,” he said. “We’re talking about damages of tens of thousands of shekels, two wasted business days, and a lot of merchandise that had to be thrown out.” “I’m sure they were sent by the extremists,” he added. “Someone prepares the material for them and pays them a lot of money to carry it out.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
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