Bassi* was 18 when her mother passed away. Being the eldest of 7, she quickly learned how to cook, clean, and even raise her newborn baby sister so that her father could focus on supporting them. This last winter, the unthinkable happened: Bassi’s father passed away from coronavirus.
“ It happened so quickly we didn’t know what hit us. That’s when I realized, it’s really on me to take care of the family. I work hard at my job and give them everything I can.”
Then, a twist:
“Now I’m a kallah. It hurts that my parents won’t be able to be there with me on my wedding day. I want so badly for us to be able to have a normal simple wedding, to be able to make sheva brachos, to find an apartment. But how can I support two homes, my own, and the one my parents left behind?”
Bassi & her chassan are registered as part of Vaad HaRabbanim’s ‘Yesomei Av’ campaign. Funds raised go toward us and other couples like them that are getting married this week. Some in the group got married this week and still don’t have an oven, or a fridge, in their apartment. Others are getting married in a couple of weeks but the chassan has no suit. All are praying that the campaign will be successful.
In a public show of support, Rav Binyamin Finkel gave his bracha to all who donate that their children should give them nachas and have success in the coming school year. This blessing is “midah k’neged midah,” says the Rav, in return for helping those who did not live to see their own children married off. Readers can see the full statement here.
After a year of disruption and distraction, our children need this blessing as much as ever.
Those who are interested in donating to brides like Bassi can receive Rav Finkel’s blessing via Vaad’s Yesomei Av Fund for a limited time.
*Details have been changed to protect the orphans’ privacy. Each couple has their own story of loss & struggle.
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