In a blatant act of legal bullying, Attorney-General Gali Baharav-Miara prohibited the Judicial Selection Committee from investigating the serious allegations against Judge Yitzchak Amit, paving the way for him to be elected as President of the Supreme Court on Sunday afternoon. Justice Minister Yariv Levin had requested that Amit’s appointment be delayed until the allegations against him could be thoroughly investigated. Baharav-Miara not only refused the request but called the legal advisor to the Judicial Selection Committee, Leah Rakover, and banned her from even carrying out a preliminary investigation of the claims against him. According to Channel 12 News, the conversation between Baharav-Miara and Rakover, who wanted to at least carry out a preliminary investigation, was very “tense.” More and more reports by outlets such as Ynet, Channel 12, and Kan News, have revealed serious ethical concerns about Amit, including his involvement in cases related to family members or other individuals he was personally connected to. In addition, a report revealed unauthorized construction at Amit’s home in Mevaseret Zion. A meeting of the Judicial Selection Committee is being held on Sunday at 2 p.m. Justice Minister Yariv Levin, the chairman of the committee, is boycotting the meeting. Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi issued a statement on Sunday morning, saying: “Good morning citizens of Israel, dictatorship is already here!” Karhi said that the meeting of the Judicial Selection Committee on Sunday is being carried out by force via legal bullying and “by usurping the authority of the committee’s chairman, Justice Minister Yariv Levin,” with the aim of selecting Amit as President of the Supreme Court. Karhi wrote that Amit is unworthy to serve as a justice, let alone as President of the Supreme Court, following the serious allegations and reports about him. Kariv also wondered if “there will be one decent committee member who will stand up and stop this madness just before it’s too late.” He concluded with a warning: “His appointment, if chalilah approved, will be illegitimate, a disgrace to the State of Israel, and a stain on our democracy. By force, one can at most become the head of a law enforcement gang – not the President of the Supreme Court.” Otzma Yehudit chairman Itamar Ben Gvir stated: “The Attorney General is trying to cover up the serious allegations against Yitzhak Amit instead of allowing a thorough investigation. Her intervention concerning the Amit case again proves how the judiciary suffers from foreign and non-objective considerations. “It is time for the government to begin the process of her dismissal. The root of the problem is the fact that the political Attorney General is still in her position – this is a disgrace to the right-wing government.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
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