Pro-Palestinian demonstrations have been taking place in countries throughout the world, with so-called “civilized” Western citizens calling to “globalize the intifada.” A clip of Fathi Hamad, a Hamas leader and former Interior Minister, speaking several years ago reveals exactly what “globalizing the intifada” means – attacking and murdering Jews worldwide. The video shows him calling to attack Jews around the world and inciting the Arabs of Yehudah and Shomron to murder Jews. “There are Jews everywhere,” he says. “We must attack every Jew on the face of the planet! We must slaughter and kill them, G-d willing! Enough of being angry. We’re fed up already. We’re ready to explode [the literal sense of the word]. And you, the people of the West Bank: How long will you keep silent?” “We want to see knives – they’re only five shekels! How much is a Jew’s neck worth? Five shekels? Or even less, G-d willing. All our people are ready to be blown up. We’ve built a new factory for explosive belts. The off/on switch is ready for the moment…all our sisters are ready to carry explosive belts.” In the video below, students at Columbia University in New York call for “intifada, intifada.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)