As is known, Purim in Yerushalayim this year is Purim Meshulash, which means that Shushan Purim falls out on Shabbos and since all the mitzvos of the day cannot be fulfilled on Shabbos, some are fulfilled earlier and some later so the mitzvos are fulfilled on three consecutive days, Friday, Shabbos, and Sunday. The mitvzos of Megilla and Matanos L’Evyonim are fulfilled on Thursday night and Friday, along with Jews in unwalled cities throughout the world. On Shabbos, the Kriyas Hatorah of Purim is read along with a special Haftorah for Purim, and Al Hanissim is recited in davening and bentching. On Sunday, the mitzvos of Mishloach Manos and the Purim seudah are fulfilled. HaGaon HaRav Avigdor Nebenzahl’s son-in-law, HaRav Yehonatan Katzburg, a Rav in Givat Shaul, recently discussed the halachos of Purim Meshulash with his father-in-law and published the p’sakim in the L’Reich Nichoach kuntress this week. What is the din for Yerushalayim residents this year regarding the Purim seudah on Shabbos? HaGaon HaRav Avigdor Nebenzahl cites the opinion of his Rav, HaGaon HaRav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach zt”l, that there is no obligation to have a Purim seudah on Shabbos, although some add one food item, and it is appropriate to drink wine but to be careful not to get drunk. And why not get drunk? Because of the obligation of “Zachor es Yom HaShabbos.” HaRav Nebenzahl recommends having kavanah while eating Melaveh Malka on Motzei Shabbos for the Purim seudah as well in order to fulfill the shitah of the Meshach Chochmah. He also says regarding Kriyas HaMegillah in Yerushalayim on Friday that it is mekubal that a minyan is required in order to recite a bracha but he brings the opinion of HaRav Auerbach, z’tl, who wrote: “In Yerushalayim, they are noheig b’dieved to recite with a bracha even when reciting b’yechidus.” Regarding Mishloach Manos on Friday, HaRav Nebenzahl’s opinion is that although the Mishnah Berurah says to send on Sunday, it is appropriate to ‘be concerned’ (לחשוש) about the shitah of the Chazon Ish as well, who writes that one should also send on Friday (like the din of matanos l’evyonim), and therefore it is appropriate to be machmir. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)