HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky said that Finance Minister Avigdor Leiberman’s plan to eliminate daycare subsidies for avreichim will not harm limmud Torah. However, HaRav Chaim said that Lieberman and others in the government who enabled the decree will not be forgiven, as reported by Yisrael Hayom on Friday. “There’s no forgiveness for whoever harms the children of Israel,” HaRav Chaim said. “Whoever has a part in these gezeiros will sit in Gehinnom.” “The Torah is eternal and these gezeiros won’t stop limmud Torah,” HaRav Chaim continued. “There have been decrees over the years and Am Yisrael withstood them and continued to learn Torah.” The Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of Degel HaTorah published a letter on Friday against the government and warned that no one should cooperate with members of the government. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
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