The Satmar Rebbe of Williamsburg, HaRav Zalman Leib Teitelbaum, sharply condemned the Neturei Karta extremist group in the wake of their participation in pro-Hamas protests around thr world. “There are those who lack Mesoras Avos and take action based on their own opinions because they think that they understand better than the tzaddikim from previous generations,” the Rebbe said. “Even in the days of the Divrei Yoel, z’tl, they thought they understood better than the Rebbe, causing him great tza’ar and he spoke against their actions a number of times.” “Unfortunately, we see now to what depths these people have reached and how far they’ve gone – to the point that they’re going around with Arabs, with those who shamelessly scream that they support the horrible murders. They appear in public with them while wearing a streimel and bekeshe – together with Sonei Yisroel and murderers. This a terrible Chilul Hashem to support murderers in the name of the Torah, r’l.” “Their actions are proof that when people act without Da’as Torah, they reach indescribable places and have no boundaries.” YWN has been exposing these Kapos for the past twenty years. These Muslims who dress in Chasidic garb have openly supported terrorists for years and years. The past few weeks they have been Michalel Shabbos bifarhesia, joining in violent radical pro-Hamas protests around the world, dragging their young innocent children as pawns in their sickening chess game, and parading them around on national TV, as they hug and kiss terrorists. In fact, just weeks ago the group met with the “Butcher of Tehran,” Ibrahim Raisi, at the United Nations. Before that, a delegation from the Palestinian Neturei Karta group met with former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad multiple times. Neturei Karta Reshoyim flew to Iran when Ahmadinejad held a “Holocaust Denial Conference”, where one of the main Reshonim in this group stood up – Mr Achmed (Yisroel David) Weiss and literally hugged and kissed the Iranian Hitler. You can consider these animals nothing less than holocaust deniers. At another meting of terrorists, Mr. Weiss told Ahmadinejad that he was “a light to the nations”, and that he was “exemplary” in his recognition of what Zionism really is and his warmth for Judaism. They have met with Iran’s Foreign Minister, to thank the world’s largest sponsor of Terror for “friendship” with Jews worldwide. They met with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan just days after he called Israel a “terror and apartheid state”. They have visited the U.S. Capital to show their unwavering support for anti-Semite Rep. Ilhan Omar and her “courageous stance” against Israel. The list goes on and on. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)