As we approach Pesach, chutznik families living in Kiryat Sefer are excited, and are also overwhelmed. Will 12-year-old Chaya finally be able to get a new dress, or will she have to stay home because she is too embarrassed to be seen in her old dress. Will 10-year-old Moishe finally get new Shabbos shoes so that his friends will stop staring at the gaping holes in his shoes. Will Tatty sit at the Seder feeling like a king, or will his worries about his $30,000 debt vanquish his peace of mind. My friends, we all know that making Pesach costs a fortune, yet forthe Kollel families in Eretz Yisroel it is yet even more challenging. Duringthe year the avreichim can barely stay afloat [financially] and when it comes to Pesach they are drowning. This is now magnified due to the recent increase in living costs, just this past year alone prices have increased by over 20%. The avreichim so desperately want to give their families the clothing and food that will enable them to be B’simcha on Yom tov, although due to their financial situation this can be challenging. We plead to you, dear friends and klal yisroel. Please open your hearts and give a generous contribution to our Kollel Mishkan Betzalel Kimcha D’pischa fund. This way these brave/valiant Kollel families can come to the Pesach Seder feeling the joy and the royalty of the Seder night. Kollel Mishkan B’tzalel is comprised of 23 chutznik yungerleit who have left the comfort of their families and familiar surroundings in order to commit themselves to a life of high level Torah learning in the pure atmosphere of Eretz Yisroel. The Kollel is under the leadership of Harav Hagaon R’ Yaakov Rakow Shlita, son of the late Gateshead Rov zt”l. These families are fortunate to experience the immense satisfaction that comes with Kollel life, although the financial challenges can be quite daunting. [This is especially so, considering the unique circumstances of the chutznik families in Eretz Yisroel. For example, the average Israeli family owns their apartment, and many chutznikim do not, and rents have skyrocketed in the past year]. In the zechus of helping chutznik Kollel yungerleit who are immersed in Torah in Kiryat Sefer, may Hashem bentch you with tremendous success in all your endeavours and may we greet Mashiach speedily in our time. A kasheren freilachen Pesach. Click here to donate through the chesed fund When sending your donation please specify that it is for “MISHKAN BETZALEL KIMCHA CAMPAIGN” Chasdei Sara Toyba Tax ID: 842572824 Checks can be sent to: Chasdei Sara Toyba, C/O Mrs J Censor 337 Ridge Avenue Lakewood NJ 08701. ZELLE NUMBER: 3474096242. Direct transfer into the account: CHASE BANK, CST, A/C: 525259013 R/T: 021000021 Click here for credit card transfers:  When using the above link please select R’ Y. RAKOV/MISHKAN BETZALEL