An Israeli of about 20 was seriously injured on Thursday monring after Hezbollah launched a massive barrage of over 200 rockets and suicide drones at northern Israel. The barrage was in retaliation for the IDF’s assassination of a senior Hezbollah commander in southern Lebanon on Wednesday. Multiple sirens blared in the north, including in the cities of Akko and Nahariya, starting at about 10 a.m. Hezbollah took responsibility for the attack, claiming that it targeted five IDF bases with over 200 rockets and 20 explosive drones. Shrapnel from an interceptor missile hit the roof of a mall in Akko, sparking a fire. Three people at the scene were treated for shock. Additionally, two people were lightly injured while running to shelters and were evacuated to the Galil Medical Center in Nahariya and Ziv Hospital in Tzfas. Firefighting crews with the assistance of teams from the Nature and Parks Authority are fighting multiple fires that broke out in Ramat HaGolan and the Upper Galil. The IDF is carrying out airstrikes in Lebanon in response to the attack. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)