An unusual incident occurred at the Sde Teiman detention camp on Monday when a confrontation broke out between IDF reserve soldiers and Military Police. Masked military police officers arrived at the base to detain soldiers for questioning involved in guarding Nukhba terrorists. The soldiers confronted the police and refused to allow their fellow soldiers to be detained. However, the police eventually managed to detain most of them. The IDF confirmed that an investigation was opened against soldiers for the alleged abuse of Hamas terrorists held at the Sde Teimen facility. Maariv reported that following the incident, hundreds of reservists drove to the camp to support their fellow reservists: The protesters, including Religious Zionist MK Tzvi Sukkot, broke into the facility and also blocked the road leading to it. Cpt. (res.) Omer Waldman from the Reservists Until Victory movement, said: “We will put an end to this disgrace. The honor of IDF soldiers will not be trampled.” When reports of the incident reached the Knesset, there was an uproar among some ministers and MKs, some of whom refused to continue with Knesset votes and activities. Members of the Otzma Yehudit, Religious Zionist and Likud parties drove to the facility to support the reservists. Likud MK Yuli Edelstein, the head of the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, announced that he summoned the Military Advocate General to an emergency meeting on the issue on Tuesday. “I will not support the sights seen today at Sde Teiman,” Edelstein said. “A situation of masked Military Police raiding an IDF base is not acceptable to me and I will not allow it to happen again. Our soldiers are not criminals and this despicable pursuit of our soldiers is unacceptable to me.” Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi wrote: “The Defense Minister, the Militay Advocate General, and the Attorney-General are responsible for the persecution of IDF soldiers during wartime. The use of masked police officers to arrest soldiers, as if they were criminals, is an indescribable disgrace.” “Gallant allows this craziness. Until he leaves office, we will continue to see our heroes hunted down as criminals and their hands tied on the battlefield. The time has come for a change in security leadership.” Minister Amichai Eliyahu said: “What’s happening now at Sde Teiman is legal madness. Whoever gave the order to persecute the heroic soldiers who are forced to spend time on a daily basis with the Nukhba human animals needs to put down his keys and go home.” The incident comes after an intense public outcry after three soldiers were arrested earlier this month for allegedly killing a Nukhba terrorist on October 7. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)