Yisrael Beiteinu head Avigdor Lieberman on Sunday morning said that “Netanyahu deserves to suffer in Gehinnom” for promising funds to Chareidi schools that don’t study the core curriculum. In an interview with Channel 12’s Keshet about the state budget, Liberman said: “What Netanyahu did, he truly deserves to suffer in Gehinnon every day to give them funds without them teaching the core curriculum. He wants to let them live in poverty without education and suffer.” The host of the show, which is on the same channel on which a TV hostess sparked an uproar on Friday when she called Chareidim “bloodsuckers” immediately condemned Lieberman’s statement about Gehinnom. Likud MK Shlomo Karhi responded by stating: “Lieberman is a known expert in matters of Gehinnom since the Gematria of איווט ליברמן is 364- HaSatan.” [Ivet is Lieberman’s Russian name which he is commonly called in Israel.] “Lieberman…your jealousy of Netanyahu is driving you out of your mind.” The Likud party responded by stating: “Every day that the national instigator Lieberman dries up in the opposition is Gan Eden.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
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