Penina Martzini was married for nineteen years when her husband strangely disappeared from their home one and a half years ago. Unfortunately, it seems that the man has decided never to return again.
“Ever since then, we’ve been living in chaos and dysfunction”, she Mrs. Martzini. “He left us with nothing, and our financial situation has become very, very bad.”
Pictures taken of the home confirm the previously mentioned dysfunction with mold visibly growing on the walls and filth spreading on almost every surface throughout the entire apartment. The forty-seven year old woman is the mother of four daughters who are all still living under her wing, but she is very ill and has therefore experienced great difficulty getting herself hired. With four hungry children to look after and no food to put onto the table, Mrs. Martzini found herself facing a humiliating option: To beg on the streets.
And as a mother, she had no other choice.
“It is painful but I have had to beg for us to even live. I am very ill, too ill to work. Last week I was too ill to go out and beg and so we did not have money for food for the week,” says the poor woman.
As Mrs. Martzini’s health slowly deteriorates, she struggles to provide her children with the basic necessities that they need to live. Representatives from the Vaad HaRabbanim have heard about the case and are making urgent attempts to spread awareness about the family’s desperate situation. Click here to see the full campaign.