Six months after he was attacked in the Of Oz food production plant in the Negev town of Segev Shalom, mashgiach Eliraz Barvai was attacked once again by the same man. This time, he was choked and hit with a metal rod. The original attack took place during operation Guardian of The Walls when Eliraz arrived at work as the mashgiach in the Shechita house. “Until that day when I told the worker that he was doing something incorrectly, everything was going fine. That’s my job as the mashgiach to point out when someone is doing something wrong. The worker’s manager punished him and sent him home early,” Eliraz recounted. Eliraz said that after the man received his punishment, he attacked Eliraz. “After he was told to go home, he grabbed a metal rod and hit me in the back and hand.” Eliraz received medical treatment and filed a complaint with the police. Last week, a letter of indictment was filed against the attacker, and Eliraz was informed that the man no longer works at the shechita plant. Eliraz said that since the day the letter of indictment was filed, the worker kept showing up at the plant and looking for Eliraz. “I understood that he was arriving at the plant and looking for me. Today, he found me. He asked me that I remove my complaint and I told him that I was unwilling to do so.” The man then proceeded to bite Eliraz on the neck and began fighting with him. Eliraz managed to pry the man off of himself and ran. “He ran after me with a large metal pole and hit me with it. I ran into a room and closed the door. Other workers came to protect me there until the police were able to arrive,” Eliraz recounted. Eliraz was treated for his injuries at the hospital and released with contusions on his back and hand. In response to the attack, the other mashgichim at the plant halted the work at the plant for two hours in protest over the incident, and intend to do so again tomorrow. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
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