Dozens of Toldos Aharon chasidim protested outside a cellphone store in Geulah on Wednesday evening, until the demonstrators received an unusual directive from the Rebbe: disperse. Clashes broke out between chasidim and police protecting the store during the demonstration, though police were successful at preventing damage to the shop, which has been the target of several violent protests in recent weeks. According to B’chadrei Chareidim, the rebbe’s order “to disperse calmly and quietly and not cause a chilul hashem” came after the shop owner agreed to surrender to the “phone thugs” and comply with the demands of rabbanim to obtain a “kosher certificate” for his store. Police told B’Chadrei Chareidim that they are currently formulating plans to eradicate violent acts against cell phone shops in Yerushalayim, which continue to face harassment and threats from chareidim. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
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