Klal Yisroel, if this story doesn’t break your heart, what will?
After suffering the unimaginable trauma of being abandoned by their own mother r’’l, five children in Eretz Yisroel lost their father Yosef Yitzchok Rosen* after he passed away from a terrible illness. His children Yechiel, Batsheva, Dovid, Nechama, and Tzina have become homeless, destitute orphans overnight.
Who will take care of them? Who will feed and clothe them? Who will hug them, and reassure them, and tuck them in at night with a kiss on the forehead?
They lost everything. They are scared and alone. They are too young for this.
We are calling on all of Klal Yisroel to open up your hearts and partake in this urgent mitzvah of helping these vulnerable children whose lives are now in danger. It is times like these that define who we are as a nation. Please open up your hearts and donate here to save them.
Thank you and tizku l’mitzvos.
*Name has been changed to protect the family’s privacy.
“I have come in these lines on behalf of an important mitzvah: Help is urgently needed for the R_ family. Unfortunately, after the passing of their father they suffered another blow and lost the very roof over their heads…They are heartbroken.
Huge sums are needed to cover debts and expenses, and they have no way of attaining them. In this matter they are turning to their brothers, Am Yisroel, to help them. It is a great mitzvah to help them however you are able.
Certainly all those who assist them should be saved from all sorrow, and they and their children should be blessed with the brachos of the Torah Beezras Hashem.
Yaakov Zilberman”
*Name has been changed to protect the family’s privacy.
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