Hello, my name is Elisheva. I am part of a family of 10 children, bli ayin hora, and we live in Eretz Yisrael. Our father raised us until he was niftar about a year ago. My mother, unfortunately, is currently being treated for a serious illness. Despite all of this, I must thank Hashem from the bottom of my heart for finding me my chosson, a wonderful ben Torah, who I will be married to in about 3 weeks. But I am embarrassed to confess that I have not bought anything for my chasuna. It pains me to no end that I have no father to rely on for my financial needs, or to lead me down the chuppah, as other girls have. There are so many necessities that I am lacking, and I have no idea how I am going to pay for them. My brothers and sisters, please have compassion on me and help me during this desperate and most challenging time! I really do not know where to turn for help. It is not my wish to have an extravagant wedding, only a simple one that I could rejoice with my family and friends. Please open your heart and allow me to see the light at the end of the tunnel. You should know that anything you donate will ease my burden tremendously. CLICK HERE TO DONATE Hashem gives hope and strengthens yesomim. Please emulate Hashem and give me hope and strengthen me by donating to my cause. Just as you will be taking care of me, Hashem should provide you with all your needs and to always remain on the giving side. I will bli neder daven for anyone who sends in their requests on the day of my wedding. CLICK HERE TO DONATE
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