A newly disclosed recording from the day of the Meron disaster published by Kan News on Monday evening revealed the fact that a half hour before the disaster, police officers at the site repeatedly warned their superiors of impending disaster and were met with silence. According to Kan, the terrible disaster didn’t only occur due to inadequate infrastructure and other safety issues but “it was first and foremost a tactical failure by the Israel Police.” “If only the senior police officers had responded to the pleas of the officers at the scene who half an hour prior to the disaster recognized the danger and pleaded for reinforcements – maybe 45 men and children would have returned home,” the Kan reporter said. In the recording, the officers at the site are heard reporting: “Division 41: there’s a huge crowd of people here, we need assistance. Reinforcements should come here to close off the entrance at the bottom because they’re still going down [and up] at the same time.” At 12:14 a.m., a few minutes after the Toldos Aharon hadlaka, police officers standing at the entrance to Gesher Dov [Divsion 41] realize that a disaster is about to unfold and call for help. Officer outside Gesher Dov: “It’s very crowded here, there’s pushing, there’s a huge amount of people.” Three minutes before the disaster begins, the head of the command room realizes the severity of the situation and contacts the Merchav Emekim command room, which is responsible for the hadlakos area and the kever complex. However, the police officer at the site quickly realizes from the responses that the officers aren’t functioning. “Something is going on at Toldos, some kind of roof collapse or something. We need reinforcements at 41. Where are all the officers, sound asleep? They need to come up here!” the officer screamed on the communication network. The pleas of the officers at the site are to no avail and their reports were not transferred to the police commanders. Around 12:24 a.m., about 20 minutes before the disaster, police officers at the kever complex also realized the danger of the overcrowding on the Mirpeses Kohanim above Gesher Dov – and they also called for help. Police officer to command room: “Close the downward entrance. People are trampling each other. Someone should go down and close off the entrance.” However, the officers in the command room don’t seem to realize the severity of the situation. At 12:48 a.m., people inside Gesher Dov begin to fall one on top of the other. The officer again cries out for reinforcements. The lack of clarity continues even after the disaster had already occurred and MDA paramedics had begun treating the wounded. Officer outside Gesher Dov: “There’s pressure from the huge crowd. It’s full of people one on top of the other, small children.” Command room: “Trying to understand. Is there a report of dozens wounded at 41 or not? We don’t understand the situation.” Command room: “What is actually going on at your site? What is happening there?” “Do another in-depth inspect ion, MDA is reporting that people are unconscious, dozens of unconscious people.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
The post Meron Disaster: New Recording Reveal Extent Of Police Failings appeared first on The Yeshiva World.
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