UTJ MK Yisrael Eichler spoke from the Knesset plenum on Tuesday morning, connecting the lack of police response to the rowdy and illegal protests by anarchists, such as the one at Ben-Gurion Aiport on Monday evening, to the current IDF operation in Jenin. “The State of Israel is in complete anarchy,” Eichler began. “There is a clear connection to what is happening now in Jenin – because the whole reason soldiers need to enter there is due to a lack of deterrence. When there is chaos in the country, there is no deterrence, and nests of terror are created. There are all kinds of methods to create deterrence, but it’s clear that the anarchy and war in the Israeli camp does not deter the Palestinians and gives them hope of defeating it.” “If it’s possible to close the Ayalon [major highway in Tel Aviv] and block thousands of cars like in Cairo during the days of Tahrir Square and lock the gates of the State – Ben-Gurion Airport – it’s not a State. Because a few rioters decided to shut down the State and the police are paralyzed – it’s a lawless country. The enemies in Jenin, Shechem and Syria see this. When former [Israeli] leaders slander the country to the Americans and Europeans that Israel is a dictatorship, Israel is a dark country – the enemy sees it. He also sees that although the majority of the people want a Jewish democratic state but the minority who want a secular, anti-democratic state deny the election results and win with violence, he understands that he can fight and win.” “Today we understand what the enemy sees. The State of Israel is not a state for the strong. It rules only against the weak. Against the weak, there’s law, there’s a court – only against Chareidim, against settlers. But on the other hand, the strong, the rich, the powerful have no governmental authority. The gunmen, even in the Arab sector, the gunmen rule without limits [a reference to the rampant crime and murder in the Arab-Israeli sector] – there’s no legal police force against them. The violent anarchists rebel against the powerless elected democratic government. The government is paralyzed in face of the those who carry weapons, whether it is the military gunmen, or the Bedouin and Arab gunmen.” “It is becoming clear to all that the One who guarded the Land of Israel throughout all the years of its existence is the One who will guard us in the future,” Eichler asserted. “Sovereignty is only in the hands of the Ribbono shel Olam because among humans there is no law and no justice. The State of Israel has become a country that is run like Russia. The Kremlin runs the country and the Duma acts out the formal show. In Israel, the Kremlin is the government of the Supreme Court and its branches and the laws of the Knesset are the laws of the Duma. Ask the ministers, which officials exactly do they control? No one. One official can close the takeoffs and landings at the airport in an instant.” “When this anarchy is rampant, and it receives the backing of former heads of government who call for a rebellion, and even ask to be arrested for the ‘sanctification of […]
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