In November 2021, an armed terrorist murdered Eliyahu Kay, h’yd, in the Old City of Jerusalem and critically injured Aharon Imergreen, an avreich who was on the way to daven Shacharis at the Kosel. As the terrorist tried to finish off the job and shoot another volley of bullets at Aharon, a policewoman who heard his cries of help ran to the scene, opened fire and killed the terrorist, saving his life. An army medic quickly began administering emergency medical aid as Aharon lay there on the verge of death. The medic said later that she was sure Aharon wouldn’t make it due to the severity of his condition when she found him. However, b’chasdei Hashem, Aharon survived and is even thriving despite the fact that he is now paralyzed from the chest down. He underwent a year of grueling rehabilitation, made easier by the devotion of his wife Tamar, and his parents, who were constantly by his side. He has even returned to his favorite pastime of playing basketball, albeit now in a wheelchair. Kan News arranged for Aharon to return to the scene of the attack, where he thanked his rescuers and davened at the Kosel for the first time since he was injured. Aharon and his wife and parents expressed their appreciation to the police officer who shot the terrorist and the medic, who described how she pleaded with Aharon at the time to stay alive as she attempted to stop the bleeding, and her joy at hearing that he had survived against all odds. In the moving video, Aharon, who had celebrated his one-year anniversary just days before the attack, described how he believed his life was over and had recited Shema Yisrael, and his parents described their emotions when they received the phone calls informing them that their son had suffered devastating injuries in a terror attack. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
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