It was back in 1965 when the great Rabbi of Tosh ZT”L founded the town and Yeshiva of Tosh outside of the city of Montreal, Canada. The Rebbe, a descended of the dynasty of Tosh, dreamed of establishing a place dedicated to pure Torah and Chasiddus, and that is what he did. It would be be beyond this short article to describe all the mesiras nefesh the Rabbi had for his town and Yeshiva, but there is one small point that I would like to address here and that is the Rebbe’s mesiras nefesh for the precious children with the establishment of THE TALMUD TORAH – BAIS YIDA From the outset the Rebbe dedicated himself to building the Talmud Torah. They started with less than 15 students who were divided in 2 groups, those under the age of ten formed one group and all the older students learned in the second group. In the beginning the Talmud Torah was stationed in the main Yeshiva building , but as it steadily grew the Talmud Torah was moved into few trailers on the grass to accommodate the need of a Cheder. The Melamdim recall the challenges of teaching at that time. Since there was such a range in the ages of the boys it was difficult to address each student’s individual needs. While one boy needed to learn Alef Beis and kriah, another boy needed help with Chumash, and yet another boy needed to be taught Gemara, and so on.The Rabbi was fully involved in the Cheder and in setting up the standards for the Cheder. The rabbi would regularly observe the Cheder from the main window and so he would know everything going on there. It is no wonder that former students recall how the Rabbi treated each of them with so much love. The Rebbe would make each of them feel valued as if he was the Rabbi’s own child.One time the Rebbe learned that one teacher had in his classroom more students than the limit allowed. The Rabbi didn’t hesitate, he walked into the class and pulled out a few students to a separate room and started teaching them himself. There were guests who had just arrived at the Rabbi’s house but they could not find him. A search was started until they discovered that the Rebbe was in cheder teaching a class of students. Today Baruch Hashem, the holy town of Tosh has gained renown and has flourished with a community of over 500 families. The Talmud Torah is now attended by close to 700 students with grades divided by ages and with 2 classes per grade. As the community grew there became a need for a separate building for the Cheder. On Purim Katan 1980 the Rabbi put down the Even Hapinah and the foundations of the building. The Rabbi spoke fiery words declaring that by supporting the Talmud Torah we are bringing us closer to MoshiachThe construction took many years until it was finally completed. There are countless stories of miracles and Yeshuos Yidden were having by giving the rabbi their donations for the cheder. We will just quote one story from the Menahel R’ Moshe Mayrovits who went around to solicit funds for the building. Once he found a Yingerman who was already few years after his wedding […]
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