Rav Mordechai Gross is a huge Posek in Israel who is legendary for the thousands of people who have come to him for Brachos and immediately saw their long-awaited yeshuos come true before their very eyes. It’s rare for the Rav to give a bracha based on a specific condition.
Until now.
It all started with Leah R*, a 22 year old girl who tragically lost both of her parents in a car crash when she was only one and a half years old. Leah was sent from home to home her entire life, and never had a true taste of the meaning of family. Several weeks ago, Leah was thrilled to announce that she was engaged. But attempting to get married without parental support proved to be extremely difficult. After several stressful weeks desperately trying to gather the funds to start a simple life together with her chosson Leah had to face a heart-wrenching decision: Whether or not to break her engagement.
That’s when something incredible happened.
Leah’s story made its way to none other than Rav Mordechai Gross. His heart went out for this girl who never had a family to call her own. Who couldn’t even remember her parents’ faces, and just wanted to build a Bayis Neeman. And he immediately took action. He wrote the following powerfulHaskama for Leah and 35 other orphaned couples who need help this month: (TRANSLATION BELOW)
“Here I am to ask from each person that they donate 360 shekel for the needs of the 36 orphans getting married and they should be blessed with health of the body and the nefesh and merit to marry off their offspring with financial ease, soon, and Hashem should fulfill all of their hearts desires for good and they should merit to see, b’siyata d’shmaya, the coming of the Geula & Moshiach.” – Mordechai Gross
Rav Mordechai Gross’s Brachos are not to be taken lightly. Countless stories have been told about their unusual power. It is clear that Rav Gross understands the true importance of the mitzvah of hachnasas kallah, and how important it is to help these Jewish girls who have no parents to help them start their lives. Click here to donate to the Vaad HaRabbanim’s Hachnasas Kallah Fund this month and you will iy’’h be zoche to see the coming of Moshiach very soon. We need it now more than ever.
*Name has been changed to protect privacy
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