Rav Asher Halevi Soloveitchik zt”l, youngest son of Rav Meshulam Dovid Soloveitchik zt”l, Rosh Yeshivas Brisk, and a grandson of the Brisker Rov, was niftar on Isru Chag in Yerushalayim.
On Chol Hamoed, Rav Asher collapsed in his home on Rechov Nechemiah in Yerushalayim, and after prolonged resuscitation efforts, he was transferred to Shaarei Tzedek Medical center, where it was determined that he suffered a severe stroke.
Rav Asher was 54 and was niftar this morning at the hospital. He was an outstanding talmid chochom and boki who was known at Yeshivas Brisk for his hasmadah, learning at Brisk since his younger years.
The levayah was held this morning at Yeshivas Brisk, followed by kevurah on Har Hamenuchos in Yerushalayim.
He is survived by his mother, Rebbetzin Yehudis, sister of Rav Moshe Shternbuch; his wife and family.
Yehi zichro boruch.
{Matzav.com Israel}
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