In a stomach-churning display of self hatred and loathing of fellow Jews, a group of terrorist-supporting, anti-Israel, hate-filled figures from Neturei Karta met with Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, aka the “Butcher of Tehran,” at the UN on Wednesday. Neturei Karta has long kissed up to despicable figures like Raisi, and are used as pawns by terrorists across the globe to justify their lust for Jewish blood. “I have heard that there are anti-Zionist Jews here, and this is a great thing,” Raisi said, highlighting his support for Jews who wish harm on other Jews. Back when Yasser Arafat led the terror-loving Palestinian Liberation Organization, Neturei Karta had a “foreign minister” in his Cabinet who served as the Jewish Affairs minister – a sham of a position that did nothing but throw support behind terrorist bombings, shootings, and stabbings against innocent civilians. Several years ago, many in this same group traveled to Iran to attend a Holocaust denial conference, where they repeatedly kissed former Iranian president and psychopath Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as he openly called to wipe Israel – and the Jews that live there – off the face of the Earth. Yisroel Dovid “Achmed” Weiss, the leader of the Neturei Karta movement, went so far as to tell Ahmadinejad that he was a “light to the nations” and was “exemplary” for being a hater of Zionism. The current president with whom they met yesterday, Ebrahim Raisi, is referred to as the “Butcher of Tehran” due to his involvement in the killing of thousands of Iranian prisoners in the 1980s. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
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