The deep rot of anti-Semitism was on full display in Houston last Friday as an annual Al Quds day demonstration was held with the participation of numerous Jew-hating individuals. At the rally, an unnamed Muslim “religious leader” said: “Unless and until we take every inch of Palestine back, we will not rest!… We will continue to resist until this Zionist cancer is uprooted from the face of the Earth.” He chanted “Death to Zionism!” and a member of the crowed responded: “Death to Israel!” In addition, an unnamed activist recited a poem praising Palestinian terrorist Ibrahim Al-Nabulsi, who was killed during a gunfight with Israeli security forces in August 2022. “We will not forget the Palestinian martyrs, and we will continue to resist until this Zionist cancer is uprooted from the face of the Earth. We would rather die, as the Palestinians have been dying, since the last 75 years, and die with pride and honor. This is a lesson we learned from [Imam] Hussein,” the Jew-hater told the crowd. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
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