This morning, some of the most important leaders of our generation put out an urgent message. But to them, it wasn’t just a message. This one was very personal.
The message concerned the closest student of the Skoliner Rebbe, who is also close to Rav Naftoli Silver and Rav Dovid Cohen. According to the Rabbonim the man is a tremendous talmid chochom whose wedding is in exactly one week away. His parents are elderly and he is struggling to cover the many costs involved. He is still lacking funding for basic necessities like appliances and a hall.
Without funding soon, this great Torah scholar will face the humiliation and pain of cancelling his wedding and saying goodbye to his eishes chayil forever. The Rabbonim therefore are urgently seeking donors who can help him make a chasunah before it’s simply too late.
“The wedding is in just one week, and he is still lacking in so many things,” they wrote.
“Without these basic things, how can anyone get married?! He has noone to help him. How can we turn him away?! Acheinu Bais Yisroel, we turn to you with an emotional plea to open your hearts to help your brother, a chosson and a talmid chochom. His learning is holding up the world. Please give your tzedaka generously and help him get married bikavod! In this tremendous zechus, Hashem should bless you with parnossah, bracha, and arichas yamim!”
Time is of the essence, and the Rabbonim are urging those who can help to do whatever they are capable of. Those who wish to receive the Rabbonim’s beautiful bracha and to help an important chosson and kallah celebrate their simcha can donate here.