The Gefner family of Beit Shemesh has had a whirlwind of a month after their daughter, 17-year-old Rivky woke up one morning with searing pain in her legs. After getting it checked out in the nearest hospital, the worst was confirmed– Cancer.
“Since then my life has changed completely,” shared Rivky from her hospital bed.
The surgeries and treatments needed to save Rivky’s life have been estimated at over a whopping $75,000, but to her parents’ utter devastation, they are running out of resources needed to pay for the treatment their daughter’s life depends on. If they don’t get the money on time, the doctors won’t be able to provide her lifesaving treatments. And she doesn’t stand a chance.
The race to save Rivky’s young life is taking place now on The Chesed Fund. The page includes a touching video of Rivky just days after receiving the diagnosis, who appears to have maintained a youthful, almost heartbreakingly naive sense of optimism. 
“I beg of you– Please help me live,” Rivky wrote in a letter following the video.
“My life has barely begun. There’s so much more I want to do. You are my last hope.”
Rivky’s family is already halfway to their goal. In these terrifying moments, they choose to believe that anything is possible. To join the race to save 17-year-old Rivky’s life, visit SAVINGRIVKY.COM.