Just a few days have passed since the brutal Elad terror attack, and the terrorists have now been captured.  Police identified the two suspects as 19 year-old As’sad al-Rifa’i and 20-year-old Subhi Abu Shqeir. Though the perpetrators are no longer on the loose, for some families, the terror attack is still very much in motion:
Another morning begins and another camera crew has arrived at the doorstep of the Gol family. The muffled sobs of children fill the air. Gol’s widow, a mother of 5, is now left to raise their children alone. Her husband Boaz had been the provider for the house, before he was murdered in the Elad attack.
“My husband was a good man,” she says, through tears. “I don’t know how we will survive without him.”
Soon, the camera crews will clear and the public will move on to the next tragedy, but she will still be alone. And her children will still be left without their father.
Donations are being urgently collected to help the Gols and other children who lost their fathers in the terror attack in Elad. Readers can learn more and donate here.