Six months ago, I stood under the chuppah, a radiant chosson, dreaming of a rosy future, davening for the home we’d build, for health, shalom bayis, children, parnassah, simchah… I stepped on the glass, shattering it into thousands of shards. The music exploded in joyous song. Shouts of mazal tov, hugs and handshakes. We were husband and wife. Now, only six months later, our lives are shattered. My wife of only six months was diagnosed with Stage 4 stomach cancer. I’m on the brink of losing her. Her chances of survival are slim, Six months ago, I davened for health, parnassah, success in learning, children who would grow into talmidei chachamim… Why didn’t I didn’t think to daven for something as simple as life??? We’re both so young. We’re just starting to build our lives together! I don’t want to lose her. I want to build a life with her! I want to have children and raise a family together! Her only chance of survival is a treatment that is not covered by any health insurance. We’re just married, and we have no savings of our own. Our parents, family and friends are doing all they can to help, but the little we’ve raised is nowhere near enough to cover the cost of her life-saving treatment. Now is the time to open your heart and hand to save my wife! It’s almost Rosh Hashanah, a time to daven for health, success, parnassah… A time to daven for life! Please help us so we can have another year of life together. Surely the zechus will safeguard you on Yom Hadin, and you’ll be written and sealed in the Book of Life! And with your support, my wife will also be written for another year of life… Please click here to Donate Please click here to Donate Please click here to Donate Please click here to Donate Please click here to Donate Please click here to Donate
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