Mordechai Binyamin Rubinstein Zt”l
Who would have imagined that Mordechai Binyamin would leave his young wife an Almonah and his infant daughter a Yesoma without a roof over their heads or any means of support?
It is unfathomable to think that Mordechai Binyamin went to Shul on Erev Shavuos never to return.
Mincha time Erev Shavuos in the new Karlin shul in Givat Zev. Mordechai Binyamin Rubinstein found his assigned spot on the bleachers together with his friends and acquaintances. All heads are turned to the place of the Rebbe’s arrival, waiting to start the first Tefillah in anticipation of the Yom Tov of Kabbolas Hatorah. Mordechai Binyamin just got off of the bleachers to find a quiet spot to Daven with extra Kavanah. Suddenly an unexpected catastrophe occurred causing the bleachers to collapse, and Mordechai Binyamin was crushed to his untimely death.
Please give your all to help this unfortunate young Almonah and her infant daughter. Please be there to make sure that there is money for rent, utilities, food and clothing. Let’s help this Almonah raise her orphan daughter in dignity.
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