“I grew up way too fast.”
Basya Cohen* will be the first to admit that she had an unusual childhood. When her mother passed away and her father began working long hours to support the family alone, she became like a mother herself. Though she was still only a child she got her siblings dressed and took them to school, cooked their meals, cleaned the house. Determined to make a better life for herself, she studied hard and became a nurse.
Now that she’s 21 there is a hurdle she cannot seem to get over: Getting married. Basya is engaged and struggling to make a simple wedding, including clothing for her siblings, meals for some guests, and sheva brachot afterward. Though she works hard at her own job, it simply isn’t enough to cover the costs.
Basya’s story and others were brought this month to a group of the world’s most respected Torah scholars: Rabbi Boruch Mordechai Ezrachi, Rav Dovid Cohen, Rav Yaakov Hillel, the Rachmastrivka Rebbe, and Rav Elbaz. The stories of the orphans moved them deeply and a letter was written up and signed, blessing all those who help these orphans to get married.
The letter speaks at length as to the urgency of the situation and the importance of the mitzvah, as well as blessing donors with success in having children, and finances.
All of the weddings are happening this month, so the need is not only urgent, but time-sensitive. Readers can donate here to escort Basya and the others to their chuppahs.
*Details changed to protect the family’s privacy