We Need Mama Rochel’s Tears, Now More Than Ever 24 Hours of Tehillim on Your Behalf Send a Kvittel and be included in the Tefillos for 24 Hours Shidduchim | Parnassah | Yeshous | Children | Success Due to the circumstances, access to Mama Rochel’s kever will be limited. The avreichim from Mosdos Kever Rochel, however, are there 24/6, learning, davening and pleading on our behalf. Submit your names for tefilla, to be mentioned at her kever on 11 cheshvan. Partnering with Mosdos Kever Rochel is partnering with hachnosas orchim, talmidei chachamim, limud Torah, tefila and kedusha. It is standing with Hashem’s children in Eretz Yisroel and their dedication to a makom kadosh.​ Click here to send your Kvittel ​ This yud aleph Cheshvan, join the global tehillim around the clock. Along with the messengers of Mosdos Kever Rochel, we will unite in continuous tefilla. Click here send your Kvittel ​ Mosdos Kever Rachel relies heavily on the visitors from around the world for the Yahrtzeit to cover their steep operating budget. However, due to the current situation and the closure of the kever for the yahrtzeit, the Mosad has to find other ways to sustain itself for this coming winter. By donating today you are sending a message to Mosdos kever Rachel and Mamme Rachel that “we will not leave you alone”.