After 21 and a half years of marriage, a baby girl was born on Shabbos to a couple from Beit Shemesh nine months after fulfilling the instructions of HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky. A year and a half ago, Itzik and Efrat Churi turned to HaRav Chaim after years of disappointment, during which they pursued medical treatment in Israel and around the world as well as efforts in ruchniyus, including opening a kollel. HaRav Chaim told the couple that if they build a mikva in a place that never had one, they would see a yeshua. The couple, with the help of their relatives, began raising the large amount of funds necessary for building a mikvah and found a location that fulfilled HaRav Chaim’s requirement – Moshav Zohar in the south of Israel. Nine months after the dedication of the mikvah, the bracha of HaRav Chaim was fulfilled and the Churis held their first child in their arms. “I learned from this that there’s no such thing as despair,” the elated father told Kikar H’Shabbat. “We have Hashem and He has shilichim, and our shaliach and of all of Am Yisrael is HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky – who has the zechus of limud Torah b’hasmada for many years – whatever emits from his mouth is kodesh kedoshim.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
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