A preliminary indictment was filed on Sunday against four Arab teenagers for throwing Molotov cocktails and stones at Hadassah Har HaTzofim hospital. An investigation into the case was opened last month after a report was received of a number of suspects from Issawiya throwing firebombs at the hospital. The investigation revealed that the suspects were involved in two additional cases of throwing Molotov cocktails at the hospital and at a passing bus. “This is another example of how criminals and lawbreakers – at a relatively young age – don’t shy away from any means in trying to harm human life and property, despite the fact that this is a hospital that saves the lives of people in the entire region, both Jews and Arabs,” the police said. “A professional investigation and determined operational activity led to their arrest and the exaction of justice against them. We’ll continue in our resolute battle against anyone who tries to harm human life using Molotov cocktails or any other means.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
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