HaRav Tzvi Kushelevsky, who earlier this year was zocheh to his first child at the age of 88, spoke with Yaakov Langer of Inspiration For the Nation together with his Rebbetzin. The couple spoke about the incredible neis they experienced and the Rosh Yeshivah’s steadfast emunah over decades that Hakadosh Baruch Hu would grant him a child. As HaRav Kushelesky said, he never doubted for a moment that Hashem would grant him a baby and all the years of waiting were for his good and Hashem was doing everything l’tovah. During the interview, Rav Kushelevsky said that after the baby was born, he saw the shechina on the baby’s face. Even the secular nurses remarked about the glow of the baby’s face. The head nurse said, “I’ve been doing this for decades and I’ve never seen such light on a baby’s face.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)