Israeli President Isaac Herzog asked the family of American-Israeli hostage Hersh Goldberg-Polin for forgiveness for “failing” to bring him home alive. In a Hesped delivered at his Levaya on Har HaMenuchos Monday, Herzog said in Hebrew: “Beloved Hersh, with a torn and broken heart, I stand here today as the President of the State of Israel, bidding you farewell and asking for your forgiveness, from you, and from Carmel, from Eden, from Almog, from Alex, and Ori, and from all your loved ones. I apologize on behalf of the State of Israel, that we failed to protect you in the terrible disaster of October 7, that we failed to bring you home safely. I apologize that the country you immigrated to at the age of 7, wrapped in the Israeli flag, could not keep you safe.” Rachel, Jon, dear Libby, and Orly, grandparents, and the whole family – I ask for your forgiveness, forgiveness that we could not bring Hersh back home alive. Your special light, Hersh, captivated all of us from the first glance, even through the posters crying out for his return. Most of us did not have the privilege of knowing you in life, but you have been so alive in us for eleven months now; together with many other brothers and sisters, held captive by cursed, monstrous murderers – since Simchat Torah – which turned into the day of our disaster. Know this: We are witnesses, and we will never forget. There is no door in the world on which your beloved family did not knock for you, for your rescue and well-being. There is no stone they left unturned, no prayer or plea they did not cry out – from one end of the world to the other – in the ears of God and man. Michal and I met with your parents and family dozens of times in the past year, and we had the privilege of getting to know up close people of exceptional stature and to learn from them a lesson we will never forget – about a mother’s and father’s limitless love. Only recently, on the evening of Tisha B’Av, together with your parents, we prayed at the President’s Residence for your return, together with all the hostages. And now, our heart, already broken, is shattered into pieces. In one night, we were informed of the murder of six innocent and pure souls, each of them a whole world, with loved ones who have not slept a single full night, nor taken a full breath, for eleven months now. Now – the State of Israel has an urgent and immediate task. Decision-makers must do everything possible, with determination and courage, to save those who can still be saved, and to bring back all our sons and daughters, our brothers and sisters. This is not a political goal, and it must not become a political dispute. It is a supreme moral, Jewish, and human duty of the State of Israel to its citizens. We did not fulfill this duty. And now – we have a sacred and shared obligation, to stand up and bring them all back to their homeland. For the spirit, resilience, and unity of Israel. Of course, we do not forget for a moment our obligation to hold accountable […]