A heated conflict took place in the Knesset on Wednesday when Yisrael Beiteinu MK Yulia “Badatz” Malinovsky proposed a law proposing a steep fine of NIS 30,000 for people caught tearing down advertisements with pictures of women on them. In the course of the proposal, Malinovsky said: “Apparently what interests you is to build a Taliban state here. The first thing they do is destroy and discriminate against women.” UTJ MK Moshe Gafni, furious about yet another law from Avigdor Lieberman’s Yisrael Beiteinu party against Chareidim, loudly protested against Malinovsky’s words from his seat and then spoke from the podium. “She called us the Taliban and you didn’t even react,” Gafni said angrily. “A member of Knesset stands here and calls the Taliban and that’s fine.” “There’s a party here that has only one goal, not to allow Chareidim to live here. Her boss makes laws against Chareidim, he doesn’t care about disposables but he makes a law against it to harm Chareidim. A law that Chareidi women can’t send their kids to daycare. All his laws are against the Chareidim – he has no other agenda, no agenda of right or left, only hatred of Chareidim. It’s an anti-Semitic party. We’re the Taliban! You’re the anti-Semites.” “Why did Yulia bring this up? So they’ll talk against Chareidim. We don’t respect women? Women come to us all the time – ministers, Knesset members, public figures. We don’t respect women? We respect them more than our very selves – Chazal says. You’re anti-Semites!” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
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