Live video broadcast from event marking completion of thousands of books of Zohar, led by Rabbi Yoshiyahu Pinto. | Includes: Torah scroll dedication in honor of those killed in the Meron disaster, and inspiring Selichot prayers. | On stage: Renowed hasidic singers Avraham Fried, Chaim Israel, and the Malchut choir. Just prior to Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year), thousands are gathering at the Menora Mivtachim hall in the city of Tel Aviv, to celebrate an historic event in which the holy Zohar was completed thousands of times. The event will also feature inspiring Selichot prayers, and a Torah scroll dedication honoring the 45 killed last year in the Meron disaster. It will be led by Rabbi Yoshiyahu Pinto. Central to the event will be a speech by Rabbi Pinto, who revived the ordinance of the Land of Israel’s rabbis, including Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld and Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Hacohen Kook, to complete the book of the holy Zohar at least one thousand times each year. The event will feature great hasidic singers, including Avraham Fried and Chaim Israel, who will be accompanied by the Malchut choir. Join the live broadcast now.
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