During an international press conference, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu faced a direct inquiry about the possibility of his resignation. ABC News correspondent Matt Rivers was the genius who asked the following question: RIVERS: “It seems the level of support that you have among the Israeli public has dropped considerably… How can you continue to lead this country effectively during a very difficult time, and have you at all considered stepping down? NETANYAHU: “The only thing that I intend to have resign is Hamas. We are going to resign them to the dustbin of history. That’s my goal, that’s my responsibility, that’s what I’m leading the country to do. This is my responsibility now, and it’s something that I think unites the entire country. We are all supporting the soldiers, supporting our commanders, supporting the IDF. We are supporting I think the unbelievable efforts of our reservists and out security forces. We will continue to do that until victory.” SEE VIDEO BELOW: (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
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