In a direct message to the Lebanese people, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the current state of Lebanon and urged its citizens to reclaim their country from Hezbollah, which has turned Lebanon into an Iranian military base. Netanyahu emphasized that Israel’s ongoing military efforts against Hezbollah are aimed at restoring safety for its citizens and urged the people of Lebanon to take advantage of the current situation to rebuild their country and bring back peace and prosperity. He highlighted the long-standing effects of Hezbollah’s control and appealed to the Lebanese to rise up and liberate their nation before it is dragged further into conflict. The following is the full text of Prime Minister Netanyahu’s statement: — “This is a message to the people of Lebanon: Do you remember when your country was called the pearl of the Middle East? I do. So, what happened to Lebanon? A gang of tyrants and terrorists destroyed it. That’s what happened. Lebanon was once known for its tolerance, for its beauty. Today, it’s a place of chaos, a place of war. Israel withdrew from Lebanon 25 years ago. But the country that actually conquered Lebanon is not Israel. It’s Iran. Iran, which finances and arms Hezbollah to serve Iran’s interests at Lebanon’s expense. Hezbollah has turned Lebanon into a stockpile of ammunition weapons and a forward Iranian military base. Just one day after the October 7th massacre a year ago, Hezbollah joined the war against Israel. It launched an unprovoked attack on our cities and on our citizens. It has since fired over 8,000 missiles at Israel, killing civilians without distinction—Jews, Christians, Muslims, and Druze. Israel has decided to put an end to this. We’ve decided to do whatever is necessary to return our people safely to their homes. Israel has a right to defend itself. Israel also has a right to win! And Israel will win! We have degraded Hezbollah’s capabilities; we took out thousands of terrorists, including Nasrallah himself, and Nasrallah’s replacement, and the replacement of his replacement. Today, Hezbollah is weaker than it has been for many, many years. Now you, the Lebanese people, you stand at a significant crossroads. It is your choice. You can now take back your country. You can return it to a path of peace and prosperity. If you don’t, Hezbollah will continue to try to fight Israel from densely populated areas at your expense. It doesn’t care if Lebanon is dragged into a wider war. Christians, Druze, Muslims—Sunnis and Shiites—all of you are suffering because of Hezbollah’s futile war against Israel. Today I ask every mother and every father in Lebanon a simple question: Is it worth it? Because it doesn’t have to be that way. I know you want a better future for your children. So I am speaking to all of you today. There is a better way. A better way for your children, for your cities, for your villages, for your country. You deserve to restore Lebanon to its days of tranquility; you deserve a Lebanon that is different. One Country – One Flag – One People. Don’t let these terrorists destroy your future any more than they’ve already done. Stand up and take your country back. You have an opportunity that hasn’t existed in decades. An opportunity to take care […]