HaGaon HaRav Gershon Edelstein gave over a chizzuk shiur to his talmidim ahead of Bein Hazemanim, during which he spoke about Leiberman’s “daycare decree” for the first time. “To our sorrow, there are public figures who intend to wreak financial decrees on oskei Ha’Torah,” the Rosh Yeshivah said. “There are those who don’t understand the zechus of Torah, which protects all of Klal Yisrael. They don’t understand this and they want to enact decrees so they can’t learn, so they should go to work.” “However, everything is in the hands of Shamayim. And everything is dependent on zechuyos. If oskei Ha’Torah immerse themselves in Torah as they should according to hilchos Talmud Torah..V’hagisa bo yomam v’leilah – each person according to his kochos.” “And whoever works should also be oisek in Torah as much as possible. Each person according to his koach, not more than that, there’s no chiyuv for more than that. More than a person’s koach is forbidden.” “If Klal Yisrael were oisek in Torah k’din, like the hilchos Talmud Torah, gezerios wouldn’t be shayach. Because one who wants to purify himself is assisted, there will be siyata dishmaya that there are no gezeiros, that there definitely won’t be gezeiros.” “Therefore if we want to prevent the gezerios on oskei Ha’Torah, the only eitzah is the zechuyos of chizuk in esek b’Torah,” HaRav Edelstein concluded. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
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